In Memoriam


LP 1 LP2 BorderShock Puf Kapooow


Kapo is on the left. On the right is Kapo's older brother Shock (DKCH KLBCH LP1 BorderShock Frenzy Explorer).

 Kapo was a blue/white male

born 08.07.1997

Eyes clear

Hips A-A

Was owned & Loved by

Dennis & Ulla Knudsen

Dear little Kapo,

I'm soo sorry you have to leave years before time. Still  this was better than you would have ended up having soo much pain.. Thank you to your "dad" for doing this though it hurts.

Still I will always remember you as the little calm boy who knew exactly what you wanted.

Take care little Kapo until we meet again..

Last updated January 2, 2010