In Memoriam


Maliway Wyakin


[Shepa 1 year]

Shepa 3 years

Beautiful Shepa 5 years with her human sister Rebecca

Beautiful Shepa with her best toy *Knud* 2005

Beautiful Shepa 7 years old

And with sister Sif

Beautiful Shepa 20.04.2006

Gorgeous Shepa 7,5 years - October 2006

Gorgeous Shepa 9 years 13.04.2008

Isn't Shepa just wonderful??? 07.06.2008

Wonderful Shepa 12.04.2009

Shepa's birthday 13.04.2009

Wonderful Shepa nearly 10,5 years 24.08.2009

Wonderful Shepa 11 years 13.04.2010

 Shepa with her human brother Marius and Julius 13.06.2010

Wonderful Shepa at Dybbøl Mølle with her family 22.07.2010

Gorgeous Shepa 12 years 13.04.2011

Isn't this a great photo? Shepa and her dad:-)

Shepa and Rebecca - 30.10.2011

Isn't she gorgous - 28.12.2011

Shepa 13 years 13.04.2012 - Isn't she just wonderful???

21.11.2012 Shepa 13,5 years and her new brother Floyd 8 months

31.08.2013 The last photo of Shepa 14,5 years together with Floyd and the humans Rebecca and Julius

Shepa is a blue merle female

(with blue spots instead of black)

born 13.04.1999

Owned & loved by

Peter and Dorthe Parsow Beck

This was Shepa's older sister Sif

Last updated October 6, 2013