Maliway Hot Surprise


1 day old

1 week

2 weeks

3 weeks

4 weeks

5 weeks

6 weeks

7 weeks

8 weeks

Sally and her new family

Gorgeous Sally 23.05.2012

Joey and Sally having fun 23.05.2012

Sally 30.05.2012

Sally 31.05.2012



Sally meeting the horse again :o) - 06.06.2012

At puppy training and having fun with Joey :o) - 06.06.2012

Sally 1 year 20.03.2013

Sally is a black/white female

born 20.03.2012

Eyes clear at 6,5 weeks

CEA/CH DNA normal by parentage

CL DNA normal by parentage

TNS DNA normal by parentage


Owned & loved by

Hans & Benna Nielsen


Hans and Benna had "our" Dizzy

Click the photo to see her

Last updated April 7, 2013