In Memoriam


Maliway Ghost'catcher In Black



[Sif 3 years]

Sif 4 years

Beautiful Sif 6 years

Beautiful Sif 2005

Beautiful Sif 8 years old

And with sister Shepa

16.04.2008 Wonderful Sif 10 years

30.11.2008 Gorgeous Sif 10,5 years

Wonderful Sif 11 years 16.04.2009

Wonderful Sif nearly 11,5 years 23.08.2009

Gorgeous Sif 12 years - 16.04.2010

Sif is a black/white female

born 16.04.1998

Owned & loved by

Peter and Dorthe Parsow Beck

This is Shepa . Sif´s younger sister. 

Dearest little Sif.


You were a very special and gorgeous little girl. Your family will miss you deeply and they will always carry your memories in their hearts. Just as we will. We feel soo lucky you had a home like this. Always telling us what happened in your life so we felt we were there.


May you run free little Sif - I know you will wait for your family.

Last updated July 1 , 2010