A little about us

My name is Lis Nielsen. It all started when my husband Mark and I purchased our first Border Collie in 1991 - Heli's Lady Mischa - Mischa. Already in 1992 we got our second girl - Heli's O'nadia - Nadia. These 2 girls were amazing...!!! They were soo easy to have and live with (of course we spend a lot of time with them every day). After we have been looking for our third girl for nearly 2 years we found her in 1995 - BorderShock Launching Silver Strut - Sisse. She was ONE SPECIAL GIRL who had it all!!!  Sisse was the foundation of our kennel. Maliway Border Collies started in the end of 1997. (Maliway stands for MArk and LIs and our way). From 1996-1997 we have been a part of BorderShock Border Collies. And we have had 2 litters in that kennel name. We now have 14 border collies, 2 German Wirehaireds and 1 Jack Russell Terrier at our home right now. And we love every single one of them. The kids we decide to keep will be a part of our family for as long as they live. That is why we have the amount of dogs we have. Even though nearly half of them are "on pension", they still do a wonderful job teaching the young ones the house rules and how to behave... Of course every once a while also some "bad habits" :o)).

We live in a minor farm. Our dream spot on earth. We are slowing down now, but we used to have sheep, a little bit of geese, ducks and chickens. We used to train obedience and agility, but when we saw Sisse started to herd and saw how deep her instinct were everything else faded. The feeling when sheep, dog and yourself are working together is second to none!!! I miss the sheep very much. They were soo relaxing to be with and not quite as stupid as some people say! We are now focusing on our dogs - trying to give them a good and for filling life without sheep.

I am forever grateful to my husband Mark for helping me!!!

This is me with some of our kids ! 

This is me with some of our kids

And a new one of me 01.10.2005 with some of the kids on a rainy day...!!!

And my husband Mark with our male sheep Anton and a son of his !

Mark with Anton and a son of Anton !

And a new one of Mark 01.10.2005

The ducks enjoying themselves.

Our ducks in the summer !

I almost manage to get all the kids in one photo !

Almost manage to get all the kids in one photo !


You are always welcome to contact us for any questions you may have about our dogs, breeding etc.:

We hope you enjoy the visit


Mark & Lis

PS. Don't forget to drop a line in our guestbook. We would appreciate this very much.

Last updated September 25, 2011