Our sheep






Our little lambs born between 6-16 of March 2005 - are they not just cute !!!

It won't be long before the grown sheep will loose all that coat they have now.

Then they will jump around just like the little ones... It is sooo much fun to see...

[Photo by Lene Dyrner]

[Photo by Lene Dyrner]

[Photo by Lene Dyrner]

Our sheep and lambs 23.04.2005


Our very first lamb born 28.01.2006 - a beautiful and healthy girl

Our sheep 17.04.2006

Our sheep 13.05.2006 - really enjoying themselves...

Our sheep 25.05.2006 - It is soo great just to look at them. You forget everything else...


24.03.2007. One of our gorgeous little lambs on our male sheep Odin.

It won't be long before he and the others will get rid of their enormous coat... This is a big day, where they run like little lambs again.

Good to sleep on food :ooo)) 24.03.2007

24.03.2007 Our only little boy "Blop" this year - but isn't he just beautiful with his big ears???

He reminds us very much of his "grandfather" Anton. And he is extremely cuddling...

29.04.2007 The sheep enjoying the grass is growing :ooo)))

Last updated August 24, 2010